

This Assesement has been developed with Swift 5.1, Xcode 12.2 and CocoaPods 1.12.2. So you must have Xcode install on your computer and be sure you have the last version of Cocoa pod install on your computer. To check if pod is available, lauch the following command :

pod --version


  1. Go to the root of the project on your computer:
cd ~/LuckyAppTest
  1. Normally, pod dependencies are not ignored by .gitignore, as it's recommended on iOS/Swift project ( But to be sure all you config files are up to date, launch the folowing command:
pod install
  1. At this step, everything is ready to begin the development phase, open the project on Xcode:
open luckyApp.xcworkspace
  1. At last, build the project from Xcode:
cmd + b


Here will be explain all about folders, their content and the way they are implented and called each other. This architecture is based on MVVM architecture but we're not using data-binding between ViewModel and ViewController


Constants folder contains 4 enum files, that simplify managements and creation of components like Color, Font, Text and Image. Instead of make direct reference to an image with UIImage(named:), you could instantiate an image by AppImage.IMAGE_ASSETS_XCASSETS_NAME.value(), avoding reference to old image that don't exist anymore, and have compilation error if the IMAGE_ASSETS_XCASSETS_NAME is not reference in the Image enum.

Same goes for Texts, Fonts and Colors


They are classes with only static methods, so they can not keep states (unlike services). Each manager reprensents a set of methods that rely on the same topics, for now we have only one Manager that handles Logs in the App.


Services represent one time instantiation class that are sharing by all ViewModels components. They can keep states and sharing them.

Important: Services must never have reference to a ViewModel component. They should "ignore there existance" (in order to avoid double strong reference and a messy app where every component make reference to others).


Model are entities obtain via web service, configuration or other external way, and distribute in the app. Most model object are conform to the Codable/Decodable/Encodable protocol, to realize mapping from JSON data to the entity itself. Both classes and structs are present.


A ViewModel role is to interact with a View, thanks to Model and Services. More specifically a ViewModel can : obtains Model via Web Service, transform them, and distribute them to View components.

Important: We don't have data-binding between Views and ViewModels

Important: All data exchange between ViewModels and Views are basic types (String, Int, Bool, etc.) or data stuct.

Important: All strings and images should be implement here and not in View layer, even if it's static ones.


This folder contains all View layer components, mostly UIViewController and UIView, They are mostly UIKit components.

Important: We decided to not using segue all over the app. So each storyboard file represents a unique UIViewController, that is compliant with StoryboardBased protocol to instantiate it easilier. Moreover the "Is Initial View Controller" option should be activate for the storyboard.


As it's name suggests, this folder contains only Extension for iOS SDK or pod files classes and structures, and where scope of the extension is global.


This folder contains all files and document that are not common iOS/swift files (these common files ended with .swift). It's here that we have the Localizable.strings or Assets.xcassets files for exemple. All the .plist adn .ttf will be there too.

Unit testing

// not yet implemented


Comments are present all over the project to explain some piece of code, to do work or improvement that could come later. Some comments are prefixed with a specific syntax for a specific meanning :

  • // TODO : Means a task, a piece of logic or some treatments linked to a feature is missing and should be implemented.
  • // NOTE : Some remarks about logic implemented and how it works