MIPS simulator written in python3

Primary LanguagePython


MIPS simulator written in python3 with gui displaying registers, memory values throughout execution, and console for syscall outputs.

Installation & Usage

The only requirement is python3-tk if you wish to use the gui. To install simply clone the repo, navigate to the project root and run

usage: main.py [-h] [-c] [-s] file_path

positional arguments:
  file_path      path to assembly file

optional arguments:
  -h, --help     show this help message and exit
  -c, --console  force cli interface instead of gui
  -s, --step     step through program line by line

To run through the file simply press enter once its opened, if using the -s flag press enter for each step (or hold enter to fast forward)

Warning: using the -s and -c flag at the same time will place code inline with output and may be messy to read. It is just suggested to use these together.

Currently supported instructions

addi, add, sub, mult, mflo, mfhi, mul
sw, lw
sll, srl, and, or, xor, nor
beq, bne, bgez, bgtz, blez, bltz, bgezal, bltzal
j, jal, jr

note: syscall's print int and exit values are also implemented.

#Supported pseudo instructions

mul - mult and mflo
li - addi with 0
nop - do nothing
move - addu with 0

Useful MIPS reference links

Mips Instruction Reference


MIPS syscall functions

MIPS directives