Our final project as part of the QA Academy, started as "Team Gates".
This application aims to build a website for "QA Cinemas" about movies, listings and upcoming releases. It is currently for demo purposes only, showcasing all our academy training and knowledge, in particular Spring & connecting a working back-end to a front-end via API calls.
- About the Project
- Project Status
- Getting Started
- Release Process
- Further Reading
- Contributing
- License
- Authors
- Acknowledgements
MVP: A functional ‘front-end’ website (and integrated APIs) which connects to a back-end written in Java, and a relational database.
Technology used in the project...
- Back-end: Java source code using Spring libraries
- Database: SQL database hosted on Google Cloud Platform
- Front-end: html, css and javascript
- Source Control: Git
- IDE: IntelliJ Ultimate, Visual Studio Code, Eclipse
- Testing: using a combination of Junit, Mockito and Selenium
- Maven to build and integrate with...
- Jenkins for the CI Pipeline to send to...
- Sonarqube (hosted on a Google Cloud VM)
- External API's: Stripe, Omdb.com
Kanban Board for QA Project: using Jira software.
Presentation about the project: on google slides
Please see the docs
folder for the other documentation.
Current release: v0.1 - in development
Test Coverage: For src/main/java: 81% // Overall: 84% // 180 tests
For test reports please see the docs
Jenkins Status (CI Pipeline):
What things you need to install the software and where to find them.
To Run
Java SE 8 (or later) to run the jar file.
Maven to create the jar-file and run.
If the GCP instance is no longer live...
A relational database to configure the application to.
(a GCP instance will require the least application config, however you can also use local mySQL or h2)
You can use the command line to run the program but git & git bash are nice to have.
For the front end it's preferred that you have a Chrome browser.
To Develop
When you open the project in an IDE to develop, the pom.xml file should allow your IDE to automatically download the required dependencies (libraries).
The main IDE's that we used for this project was IntelliJ Ultimate & Visual Studio Code
Postman was used to test my API calls before writing them in JavaScript
As part of the CI pipeline for this project we used Jenkins
Links for Dependencies Java latest version here, Maven here, mySQL here, Git & Git Bash here, IntelliJ Ultimate here, Visual Studio Code here, Jenkins here, Postman here, Google Chrome here.
External API's Stripe here Open Movie Database here
This project is hosted on GitHub. You can clone this project directly using this command:
git clone https://github.com/Safwan-Akhtar/Cineverse.git
How to build this project:
Maven - Dependency Management
- Warning! The app does not have a 'stop' function, it is advised to only run in an IDE.
- Clone the repo to your machine.
- Open the cmd line / git bash inside the repo file directory.
- Run the following commands:
mvn clean package
mvn spring-boot:run
As a Spring app, running the jar with java -jar FileName.jar
won't work (at least not without some config).
Note: If the GCP instance is no longer active, you will need a database on your machine set up to connect to, and configured in application.properties
before running the above commands. When you run the second command the program will run, launching the Spring boot application. You can then navigate to localhost:8181
via a browser, to reach the home page of the web interface.
The easiest way to run all our existing tests is to right click on test/java/com.qa.cineverse
in your IDE and select Run tests in 'com.qa.cineverse'
or Run tests in 'com.qa.cineserve' with Coverage
JUnit is used for unit tests. A unit test will test individual methods within a class for functionality. Below is a simple Unit Test for my UserDTO class:
// setUp for Mockito Unit tests
public void setUp(){
this.customersList = new ArrayList<> ();
this.testCustomers = new Customers ("Felix", "Tellytub");
this.testCustomersWithID = new Customers (testCustomers.getName(), testCustomers.getUsername());
this.testCustomersWithID.setCustomersId (id);
this.customersDTO = this.mapToDTO(testCustomersWithID);
public void getAllCustomersTest(){
when(this.mapper.map(testCustomersWithID, CustomersDTO.class)).thenReturn(customersDTO);
assertFalse("Service returned no Customers", this.service.readCustomers().isEmpty());
verify(repository, times(1)).findAll();
// simple unit test expecting an exception
public void customersDTONameNullButOtherNameNotNull() {
In IntelliJ, as you write tests annotated with @Test, it gives you the option to run tests in a class, or individual Tests. Just look for the green arrows in the margins.
Mockito is used for intergration testing, but can also be applied to certain unit tests. It tests how different classes interact with each other. By 'mocking' the functions that a method/class relies on we can see how the code we are testing works by assuming the parts it relies on work too.
//Integration Test
public void setUp(){
this.testCustomers = new Customers ("Caroline", "CarebearFan");
this.testCustomersWithID = this.repository.save(this.testCustomers);
public void readCustomersTest(){
In IntelliJ, as you write tests annotated with @Test, it gives you the option to run tests in a class, or individual Tests. Just look for the green arrows in the margins.
Selenium uses the chromedriver.exe
included in this repository to run automated tests mocking use of the front-end. You should check that the driver you use matches your version of chrome. Get versions here.
We have included the extent-report.xml
and dependencies required to get easy to read test reports in the form of html files.
There are examples of the tests in this project. You can run them like you would run unit tests.
Or take a look at this selenium-testing repo which has other examples.
Sonarqube is used for static analysis. We used it to see how well my code conformed to an industry standard, the amount of coverage for my tests, and also highlighting bugs and security warnings.
mvn clean package
sonar:sonar -Dsonar.host.url=http://YourVMForSonarQubeIP:PORT/ -Dsonar.login.admin=admin -Dsonar.password=admin
Installing Demo
How to get a development environment running:
- Clone the repo to your machine. (fork it first if you want to make changes for yourself).
- Open git bash (git should already be initalised if you clone it otherwise use
git init
). - It's recommended that you start making changes on a new branch
git checkout -b NAME-OF-YOUR-BRANCH
- Open as an existing maven project in the IDE of your choice
- You'll probably want to check the application.properties file in
first - You can change the database connection details and port the web app is hosted on here
- Once configured, you can start developing!
- Find the
file insrc/main/java/com.qa.hwa
- There should be an option to
the application - When the application is running, you can open your browser to
or test the API calls in postman.
Example of getting some data out of the system with Postman:
Should response with:
"screeningsId": 7,
"movieDateTime": "2020-06-10T18:15:00",
"screenType": "deluxe",
"screenNumber": 2,
"movieName": "Spiderman: Into The Spiderverse",
"customers": []
"screeningsId": 16,
"movieDateTime": "2020-06-10T18:15:00",
"screenType": "standard",
"screenNumber": 4,
"movieName": "Spiderman: Into The Spiderverse",
"customers": []
"screeningsId": 18,
"movieDateTime": "2020-06-10T23:35:00",
"screenType": "standard",
"screenNumber": 4,
"movieName": "Spiderman: Into The Spiderverse",
"customers": []
"screeningsId": 19,
"movieDateTime": "2020-06-10T13:15:00",
"screenType": "standard",
"screenNumber": 5,
"movieName": "Spiderman: Into The Spiderverse",
"customers": []
"screeningsId": 20,
"movieDateTime": "2020-06-10T15:35:00",
"screenType": "standard",
"screenNumber": 5,
"movieName": "Spiderman: Into The Spiderverse",
"customers": []
"screeningsId": 21,
"movieDateTime": "2020-06-10T17:55:00",
"screenType": "standard",
"screenNumber": 5,
"movieName": "Spiderman: Into The Spiderverse",
"customers": []
"screeningsId": 22,
"movieDateTime": "2020-06-10T20:15:00",
"screenType": "standard",
"screenNumber": 5,
"movieName": "Spiderman: Into The Spiderverse",
"customers": []
"screeningsId": 23,
"movieDateTime": "2020-06-10T22:45:00",
"screenType": "standard",
"screenNumber": 5,
"movieName": "Spiderman: Into The Spiderverse",
"customers": []
JSON for sending addCustomerToScreening/{Screening_id}
"name" : "Chris",
"username" : "Chrisctr"
Responds with:
"screeningsId": 1,
"movieDateTime": "2020-06-10T13:15:00",
"screenType": "deluxe",
"screenNumber": 1,
"movieName": "Mulan",
"customers": [
"customersId": 1,
"name": "Chris",
"username" : "Chrisctr"
"tickets": []
If you want to addTicketsToCustomer/{customer_id}
"seatNo" : "F8",
"ticketType" : "child",
"screenId" : 1
Remember you can Ctrl + Shift + I
to inspect and reach the developer's console.
This project is a demo for using the Spring library & API calls.
This project is in development, for demo purposes only and not yet at 'release' stage.
We use SemVer for versioning. For a list of available versions, see the repository tag list.
- https://spring.io/guides/gs/accessing-data-mysql/
- https://docs.spring.io/spring-boot/docs/current/reference/htmlsingle/#boot-documentation
- https://vladmihalcea.com/jpa-hibernate-synchronize-bidirectional-entity-associations/
Currently not accepting contributions due to the nature of this project being part of our Academy training. However, after June 8th 2020 we may be open to contributions.
Please review CONTRIBUTING.md for details on our code of conduct and development process (this is currently in development).
This project is licensed under the MIT license - see the LICENSE.md file for details
For help in Choosing a license
- Caroline Strasenburgh [CarolineS-QA]
- Felix Marley [Femarleycode]
- Christian Redfern [Christian-QA]
- Luke Smyth-osbourne [sosbourneQA]
- Safwan Akhtar [Safwan-QA]
- Jordan [JHarry444] feature/jordan - the file purge
- Savannah [savannahvaith] for our JavaScript training.
- Jordan [JHarry444] for his help with Spring during the project.
- Tadas [tvaidotas] for his initial introduction of Spring and Selenium testing.
- Nick [nickstewarttds] as our main trainer and moral support.
- Embedded Artistry [embeddedartistry] for their documentation templates embedded-resources/docs