
Database design and Development project.

Primary LanguageJava

Student Registration Database Application

This project is a Student Registration Database Application that utilizes PostgreSQL as the underlying database and a Java Swing-based GUI application to interact with the database. The purpose of this application is to provide a user-friendly interface for managing student registration information.


The Student Registration Database Application offers the following features:

  1. Database Design: The application uses PostgreSQL as the database management system. It includes a well-structured database schema that can store and manage student registration data efficiently.

  2. GUI Application: The user interface is built using Java Swing, providing a visually appealing and intuitive application for interacting with the database. The GUI application enables users to perform various operations on student records easily.

  3. Data Retrieval: The application establishes a connection with the PostgreSQL database and retrieves data from the relevant tables. It provides functionality to display student information, such as name, ID, courses enrolled, grades, etc.

  4. Data Manipulation: The application allows users to insert, update, and delete student records in the database. Users can add new students, modify existing student information, and remove student records as needed.

  5. Search and Filter: The application provides search and filter capabilities to help users locate specific student records quickly. Users can search for students based on various criteria, such as name, ID, or specific courses enrolled.


To use the Student Registration Database Application, follow these steps:

  1. Database Setup: Ensure that you have PostgreSQL installed and running. Create a new database and execute the SQL script provided in the project to set up the required tables and initial data.

  2. Java Environment: Make sure you have Java Development Kit (JDK) installed on your system.

  3. Application Setup: Clone this repository and navigate to the project directory. Compile the Java source code and generate the executable JAR file.

  4. Configure Database Connection: Open the source code and locate the database connection configuration file. Update the necessary details such as the database URL, username, and password to match your PostgreSQL setup.

  5. Launch the Application: Execute the generated JAR file to launch the Student Registration Database Application. The GUI interface will appear, allowing you to interact with the database and perform various operations on student records.