
  1. How to create Map from array or list or set [associate()]

     val array: Array<String> = arrayOf("Android", "Kotlin", "IOS","Swift")
     val list = array.asList()
     val set = array.toSet()
     val mapFromArray = array.associateBy {
     val mapFromList = list.associate {
         Pair(it, it.length)
     val mapFromSet = set.associate {
         Pair(it, it.length)

  1. How to get index of last element in array or list [lastIndex]

In Java, we get last index array.length -1 in case Array and list.size() - 1 in case of List but in Kotlin we get lastIndex property with array and list.

    val array: Array<String> = arrayOf("Android", "Kotlin", "IOS","Swift")
    val lastIndexInArray = array.lastIndex
    val list = array.asList()
    val lastIndexInList = list.lastIndex

  1. How to check wheather all elements in Collection are satisfying condition . [all()]

this function return true when all elements in collection fullfilling mentioned condition

    val personAgeList = listOf<Int>(23,21,27,30,36,19)
    val isAllPersonAboveEighteen = personAgeList.all {age ->
        age > 18

  1. How to check wheather any element in Collection is following condition. [any()] this function check, if that collection contains any element that fullfill mentioned condition

    val personList = listOf<Int>(25,21,28,13,6,29)
    val isAnyTeenager = personList.any{age ->
        age in 13..19

note: this function is different from any() function that tells Collection contains any element or not.

  1. chunked function

     val personList = listOf<Int>(25,21,28,13,6,29,33,34,56,45)
     val list = personList.chunked(5) //list will have two elements. first element will be list of first 5 elements in personList. Second element will be list of next 5 elements.