Welcome to MoonLander v2, a scientific 3D simulation project of a moon landing! 🌕🚀
Clone the Repository: To get started, clone this repository to your local machine using the following command:
git clone https://github.com/YOUR_USERNAME/moonlanderv2.git
Install Dependencies: Navigate to the project directory and install the required dependencies using npm or yarn:
cd moonlanderv2 npm install
Start the Development Server: Launch the development server to view the project in your browser:
npm start
Controls: Use the arrow keys to control the moon lander. Press the arrow keys to move and the space bar to activate the thrusters.
MoonLander v2 is a 3D simulation of a moon landing developed using React and three.js libraries. The project aims to provide an interactive and realistic experience of piloting a moon lander on the lunar surface. Users can control the moon lander's movement and perform a simulated landing on the moon.
- React
- three.js
- @react-three/fiber
- @react-three/cannon
- Realistic 3D moon landing simulation.
- User-controllable moon lander movement.
- Responsive arrow key controls.
- Thruster activation using the space bar.
- Error handling with React ErrorBoundary.
- Dynamic camera following the moon lander.
Development presented several challenges, including control responsiveness, camera settings, third-party library integrations, positioning, and error handling. Each obstacle was overcome through iterative debugging and problem-solving.
During the development of this project, we faced several challenges, including:
Unresponsive Controls: Correcting event listeners and state management issues to ensure smooth control functionality.
FOV and Camera Problems: Adjusting the camera's field of view and positioning to capture the entire scene properly.
Library Integration: Dealing with compatibility issues and frequent updates of third-party packages.
Positioning and Layout: Ensuring proper alignment and resolving CSS conflicts for a visually pleasing experience.
Error Handling: Spending time on error detection and employing various debugging techniques.
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.
Let's embark on this thrilling lunar journey together! 🌌🚀