
Simple loan service with rbac

Primary LanguageJava

Loan Service

It is an app that allows authenticated users to go through a loan application. Users can request loans, view their loans and pay instalments. User will be allocated loan once it is approved by admin.

Loan has 3 type of status:

  • PENDING - when the loan is created
  • APPROVED - when the loan is approved by admin
  • PAID - once all instalments are PAID

Loan instalment has 2 type of status:

  • PENDING - when payment of instalment is PENDING
  • PAID - when instalment is paid


  • Interest is 0%.
  • Instalment frequency is Weekly.
  • There is only one type of loan.



  1. Register user: A new user will be registered with role either ADMIN or USER.
  2. Authenticate: An api to authenticate user
  3. User can access APIs only after they are authenticated and if they have required authority to access API.

Loan Service APIs

  1. GET /api/v1/loan/fetchAll - to get all loans of a authenticated user.
  2. POST /api/v1/loan/create - create a new loan. Request by user.
  3. PUT /api/v1/loan/approve - api for admin to approve loan.
  4. POST /api/v1/loan/instalment - pay loan instalment.

Local Setup


  1. java 17
  2. mysql


  1. Add values for following fields in application.properties
  • spring.datasource.url
  • spring.datasource.username
  • spring.datasource.password
  • application.security.jwt.secret-key=
  1. mvn compile
  2. mvn spring-boot:run