
Tools to jump-start development on the Cloud ☁️

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Tools to jump-start development on the cloud!
Community sourced tools and configurations for beginners to simplify working with Docker, Kubernetes and more

GDG Lahore

The project contains a collection of optimized and production-ready Dockerfile images for different programming languages and frameworks. Just choose your language and variant in the dropdowns, and you'll be presented with a Dockerfile (along with helpful description in comments), ready to use in your project.

For minor customizations, just specify custom values in the settings box and a tailored Dockerfile will be generated for you on the fly.

Try it out →

Kubernetes Manifest Generator

Under construction.


  • Fork, Enhance, Send PR
  • Lock issues with any bugs or feature requests
  • Implement something from Roadmap
  • Spread the word ❤️


This source code is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.