
Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


Lambda function code to index files in S3 buckets by creating filehandles on Synapse, triggered by file changes to S3.

Getting started

Confirm center onboarding steps are complete, and a Synapse project has been created to which the bucket will be synced.



Run pipenv install --dev to install both production and development requirements, and pipenv shell to activate the virtual environment. For more information see the pipenv docs.

After activating the virtual environment, run pre-commit install to install the pre-commit git hook.


Create an AWS KMS key to encrypt secure strings.

Create a sceptre s3-synapse-sync-kms-key.yaml file used to deploy cloudformation template s3-synapse-sync-kms-key.yaml:

template_path: "s3-synapse-sync-kms-key.yaml"
stack_name: "s3-synapse-sync-kms-key"
  Department: "CompOnc"
  Project: "HTAN"
  OwnerEmail: "joe.smith@sagebase.org"

Note: You may need to add your user ARN to the policy principal in the cloudformation template.

Deploy the stack using sceptre:

sceptre --var "profile=my-profile" --var "region=us-east-1" launch prod/s3-synapse-sync-kms-key.yaml

Add two SecureString parameters containing Synapse credentials to SSM Parameter Store

Parameter Name Value Type
/HTAN/SynapseSync/username Synapse service account username SecureString
/HTAN/SynapseSync/apiKey Synapse service account API Key SecureString
aws ssm put-parameter \
  --name /HTAN/SynapseSync/username \
  --value <synapse user name> \
  --type SecureString \
  --key-id alias/s3-synapse-sync-kms-key/kmskey

Create a local build

$ sam build

Run locally

$ sam local invoke HelloWorldFunction --event events/event.json

Run unit tests

Tests are defined in the tests folder in this project. Use PIP to install the pytest and run unit tests.

$ python -m pytest tests/ -v


Deploy Docker

Containerize the python Minerva rendering script.

  1. Make sure Docker is installed
  2. Download this repository
  3. Build:
cd docker
docker build -t <image_name> .
  1. Tag the build and push image to registry

Deploy Lambda to S3

Deployments are sent to the Sage cloudformation repository which requires permissions to upload to Sage bootstrap-awss3cloudformationbucket-19qromfd235z9 and essentials-awss3lambdaartifactsbucket-x29ftznj6pqw buckets.

sam package --template-file .aws-sam/build/template.yaml \
  --s3-bucket essentials-awss3lambdaartifactsbucket-x29ftznj6pqw \
  --output-template-file .aws-sam/build/s3-synapse-sync.yaml

aws s3 cp .aws-sam/build/s3-synapse-sync.yaml s3://bootstrap-awss3cloudformationbucket-19qromfd235z9/s3-synapse-sync/master/

Publish Lambda

Private access

Publishing the lambda makes it available in your AWS account. It will be accessible in the serverless application repository.

sam publish --template .aws-sam/build/cfn-cr-synapse-tagger.yaml

Public access

Making the lambda publicly accessible makes it available in the global AWS serverless application repository

aws serverlessrepo put-application-policy \
  --application-id <lambda ARN> \
  --statements Principals=*,Actions=Deploy

Install Lambda into AWS


Create the following sceptre file

Create a sceptre s3-synapse-sync.yaml file used to deploy cloudformation template s3-synapse-sync.yaml:

template_path: "remote/s3-synapse-sync.yaml"
stack_name: "s3-synapse-sync"
  Department: "CompOnc"
  Project: "HTAN"
  OwnerEmail: "joe.smith@sagebase.org"
  - "prod/s3-synapse-sync-kms-key.yaml"
    - !cmd "curl https://{{stack_group_config.admincentral_cf_bucket}}.s3.amazonaws.com/s3-synapse-sync/master/s3-synapse-sync.yaml --create-dirs -o templates/remote/s3-synapse-sync.yaml"
  BucketVariables: >-
  KmsDecryptPolicyArn: !stack_output_external "s3-synapse-sync-kms-key::KmsDecryptPolicyArn"
  BucketNamePrefix: "htan-dcc-*"
  DockerImage: "registry/repository:tag"
  Subnets: "subnet-1a2b3c4d,subnet-1a2b3c4d"
  VpcID: "vpc-1a2b3c4d"

Install the lambda using sceptre:

sceptre --var "profile=my-profile" --var "region=us-east-1" launch prod/s3-synapse-sync.yaml

AWS Console

Steps to deploy from AWS console.

  1. Login to AWS
  2. Access the serverless application repository -> Available Applications
  3. Select application to install
  4. Enter Application settings
  5. Click Deploy

Create Buckets

Note: Buckets must be explicitly named. Bucket names must begin with the prefix specified in the lambda parameter BucketNamePrefix (e.g. htan-dcc-*) and must be globally unique across all AWS accounts.

Create a sceptre s3-synapse-sync-bucket-a.yaml file used to deploy jinjaized cloudformation template s3-synapse-sync-bucket-a.yaml:

template_path: "remote/s3-synapse-sync-bucket.j2"
stack_name: "s3-synapse-sync-bucket-a"
  Department: "CompOnc"
  Project: "HTAN"
  OwnerEmail: "joe.smith@sagebase.org"
    - !cmd "curl https://{{stack_group_config.admincentral_cf_bucket}}.s3.amazonaws.com/s3-synapse-sync/master/s3-synapse-sync-bucket.j2 --create-dirs -o templates/remote/s3-synapse-sync-bucket.j2"
  - "prod/s3-synapse-sync.yaml"
  BucketName: "htan-dcc-bucket-a"
    - "1111111"
    - "arn:aws:sts::213235685529:assumed-role/sandbox-developer/joe.smith@sagebase.org"
    - "arn:aws:sts::213235685529:assumed-role/sandbox-developer/joe.smith@sagebase.org"
    - "arn:aws:sts::213235685529:assumed-role/sandbox-developer/joe.smith@sagebase.org"
  S3SynapseSyncFunctionArn: !stack_output_external "s3-synapse-sync::FunctionArn"
  S3SynapseSyncFunctionRoleArn: !stack_output_external "s3-synapse-sync::FunctionRoleArn"

# Due to circular dependencies, enabling bucket notification must be done after bucket creation"
# https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-s3-bucket-notificationconfig.html
  EnableNotificationConfiguration: "false"

Deploy with sceptre, Notification configuration is disabled on 1st deploy. Deploy a 2nd time with EnableNotificationConfiguration: "true"

To Use:

  1. Place file in folder of S3 bucket
    • Grant the bucket owner full control of the object by including the flag --acl bucket-owner-full-control

Example cp and put-object commands:

aws s3 cp test.txt s3://MyBucket/MyFolder/test.txt --acl bucket-owner-full-control
aws s3api put-object --bucket MyBucket --key MyFolder/test.txt --body test.txt --acl bucket-owner-full-control
  1. Check CloudWatch logs for the Lambda function to see if the function was triggered and completed successfully
  2. Check Synapse project to see if filehandle was created

Minerva Story

The lambda will also run a Minerva pre-processing tool to create a JPEG image pyramid and an exhibit.json suitable for hosting with Minerva Story.

Add input OME-TIFF and json (<story_name>.story.json) files to the minerva folder in the bucket. Ensure that the image name contained in the in_file property of the author json file matches that of the OME-TIFF input file. Output image tiles and exhibit files will be added to the <story_name> directory in the minerva folder.