
Zipping in node.js with no external dependencies

Primary LanguageJavaScript


This module is a modification of the zip creation module by Jan Jongboom, 2011 janzip for use with Streamline.

How to install

Via GIT:

git clone https://github.com/Sage/streamline-zip.git

How to use

This library requires that streamline is available to simplify asynchronous function calls and requires streamline-fs

You need a writable stream to which the zip content will be written, e. g. when you want to write to a file foo.zip, you get the stream via

var fs = require('fs');
var wstream = fs.createWriteStream('foo.zip');

Now you create a zip object which will write to this stream

var zip = require("streamline-zip");
var archive = new zip.Zip(wstream);

There is an optional second parameter for an options object. In these options you may indicate the store method (either zipMethod: zip.deflate, which is the default, or zipMethod: zip.store), and provide an optional filter function for the contents of directories (filter: filterFunction; will be called as filter(_, filename, parentEntry); must return true to take this entry), and a transform function (transform: transformFunction) to transform the contents of files before adding them to the archive; will be called as transform(_, data, entry)).

Then you can populate the archive. The following add function takes either an object or an array of objects, where each object can have the following attributes:

  • name: this is the name under which it will be stored in the zip archive (obligatory)
  • data: buffer (not string!) with the contents or
  • path: a file name or directory name in the file system (directories will be recursed, using an optional filter as described above; when a transform method is proveded, it will be applied to the file contents; will be used when no data provided; either data or path must be provided)
  • date: an optional date (by default, the current time, when data is given, or the last modification time of the file, when a path is given)


archive.add(_, { name: "test.txt", data: new Buffer(...), date: new Date("2014-04-02 10:00")};
archive.add(_, [{name: "test2.txt", path: "./foo.txt"}, {name: "test3", path: "some_directory"}]);

It is safe to change above options between calls of the add method. After adding all entries, you have to complete the archive (this method will append the trailer):


This will also close the underlying stream by invoking its end() method.


Unzipping is more complex because of all the different compression algorithms that you may encounter in the wild. So it's not covered. Use existing libraries for that.