
RapidAI: An intuitive and efficient AutoML app for seamless machine learning model development and deployment. Empower your data-driven decision-making with ease!

Primary LanguagePython


RapidAI: An intuitive and efficient AutoML app for seamless machine learning model development and deployment. Empower your data-driven decision-making with ease!

Introducing Rapid, a state-of-the-art AutoML application that leverages the power of PyCaret, Pandas Profiling, and Streamlit to deliver an efficient and user-friendly machine learning experience. Rapid is designed to streamline and automate the model generation process for both classification and regression tasks, while providing users with a comprehensive exploratory data analysis (EDA) of their datasets. By combining the simplicity of Streamlit's interactive interface with PyCaret's low-code machine learning capabilities and the in-depth insights provided by Pandas Profiling, Rapid offers an all-in-one solution for data scientists and analysts looking to rapidly develop, test, and deploy robust machine learning models. With Rapid, you can focus on gaining valuable insights and making data-driven decisions, leaving the heavy lifting to this cutting-edge AutoML app.


Get Started:

Launch RapidAI and load your dataset

Perform the Rapid EDA

Run RapidML to generate the best model
