CSE-532 Database Assignments - Stony Brook University

This repository contains a collection of database assignments completed as part of the CSE-532 course at Stony Brook University. Each assignment covers different aspects of database management, querying, and analysis.


  1. Opioid Pills

    • Description: This assignment involves working with real-world data related to opioid prescriptions. The focus is on cleaning, analyzing, and writing queries to extract relevant data for gaining insights into opioid usage trends.
    • Topics Covered: Data cleaning, SQL queries, data visualization, and exploratory data analysis.
  2. Pearson Correlation

    • Description: This task involves calculating Pearson correlation coefficients to analyze relationships between different datasets. It focuses on statistical analysis and data manipulation techniques.
    • Topics Covered: SQL, statistical functions, correlation analysis, and data interpretation.
  3. Spatial_Queries

    • Description: This assignment covers spatial queries, focusing on geographic data and how to handle spatial data types within databases. The task involves querying and analyzing spatial data.
    • Topics Covered: Spatial databases, spatial indexing, geographic queries, and optimization techniques.
  4. Hadoop/Spark

    • Description: This assignment involves using Hadoop and Spark for large-scale data processing and analysis. The tasks focus on leveraging distributed computing to handle big data.
    • Topics Covered: MapReduce, data partitioning, Spark RDDs, and performance optimizations.
  5. XQuery

    • Description: This assignment is focused on using XQuery to interact with XML data. The tasks include writing complex queries to extract, manipulate, and transform XML datasets.
    • Topics Covered: XQuery, XML data manipulation, XPath, and data transformation.

How to Run

Each assignment folder contains the necessary scripts, data files, and instructions to run the code. Please refer to the respective directories for detailed instructions on setting up and executing the assignments.


  • Stony Brook University
  • Course: CSE-532 Database Systems