
Book address of clients where you can modify, delete or create a new one.

Primary LanguageTypeScript


NOTE: You need to have installed Node JS to run this project. This is a SPA created with Create React App and developed with React and Javascript. Also Sass, Typescript, Country-list dependencies have been installed.

Steps to follow:

  1. Install local dependencies with the command:
`npm install`
  1. Run the project with the command:
`npm start`

Folder structure:

  • Scr folder for development folders and files.
  • Components folder for javascript files.
  • Services folcer for localStorage files.
  • Styles folder scss files. Every scss file has the same name matches with a js file.
  • Test folder for testing file.

Functionalities you can check in the aplication:

  1. Client list painted in window, with cards showing: name, last name, email and country of each client.
  2. Button to create new clients always on the view, to make a better user experience.
  3. You can edit or remove the information of each client directly from the card on the list.
  4. If you click on remove, you can rethink your decision by an alert message.
  5. You can directly write a mail clicking on the email address on the client card.


ALPHABETICAL order of clients in the list. URL COMPARTIBLES to copy and paste in your browser. DYNAMIC ROUTES to send you to the different views of the app. AVOID the default sending of the form. SAVE text no matter upper or lower case.


  • Simple, clear and intuitive app.
  • Design and styles mobile first and responsive.
  • Clean, ordered and commented code.
  • Some transitions, in order to improve the user experience.
  • Reused code for inputs and form.
  • Reused styles by reset, variables and mixins.
  • Rem function to unify the meassure expressions.

Still learning, if you wanna know more about me: #gitFuntastic