
converts fb`s public page to website

Primary LanguageRuby


Fuitter is an open source Facebook page to website converter.

A lot of work is yet to be done and I would be more than happy if you could contribute too.

Getting started

  • Clone the repo
  • bundle install
  • Run rake sq:create and rake sq:migrate
  • Copy the .env.example file and rename it to .env
  • Fill in your version of data in .env file

Things to add

  • Save the data in db and images in s3
  • Add a way to add data and pages for the site except from facebook page
  • Create an easy way to reference the data in the template(website)
  • Create an HTML editor (this is gona take some time)

Why is the app ugly?

Coz, I want to finish the features first and my css skills are shit. Feel free to contribute.