

  1. Install Python on your Laptop / Desktop
  2. Make sure pip is properly configured. To verify open command prompt or powershell window or terminal and python -V and pip -V
  3. Read about virtualenv you can create a local env in directory
  4. Avoid Spaces in the directory aka folder names e.g. instead of my flask app create a folder my-flask-app or my_flask_app
  5. Install flask and pytest
  6. Check the requirements.txt file for the versions. In python, requirements.txt is very important file and the name should be eact same that is requirements.txt , no shortcuts like reqs.txt or myrequirement.txt or somethingelse.txt

Instructions for running the flask application

open terminal

clone the git repository using below command

git clone https://github.com/rcoem-devops/flask-crud.git

the cd to the flask-crud directory

Run below command to create a Table in Database

python create_table.py

run below command to start the Flask App

python app.py

It will run flask app on port 5000 on localhost or

Open browser and hit




docker pull python:3.8-alpine

docker login -u rahulmr

docker run -it -p 5000:5000 -d rahulmr/rknecapp:v1

docker stop

docker rm

pip freeze > requirements.txt

Check files in docker container docker exec -it