Welcome to your assessment

Are you ready to put your skills to the test and have some full stack hacking fun? This assessment will be like a day-long solo sprint where you get use the skills and technologies you have worked with during the first half of the course.


  • Don't freak out
  • Don't collaborate with other students in any way whatsoever
  • Don't communicate with others through any communication channel
  • Don't wait until the end to commit all your work


  • Do commit frequently
  • Do use Google, MDN, Stack Overflow, documentation, etc. to support you in your work
  • Do ask help if you have any issues with the codebase or your computer
  • Do ask help if you have any clarifying questions
  • Do ask help should you need an exception to any of the above

This assement is designed to test what you have learned over the last 6 weeks.

GitHub Guidelines

  • Make sure your git is configured correctly, If you are not using your personal laptop, please do the following :
  1. Check there’s no previous git config git config user.name git config user.email
  2. If there’s a config you need to remove it: git config --global --unset user.name "previous_name" git config --global --unset user.email previous_email
  3. Now you need to add your config: git config --global user.name "your_name" git config --global user.email your_email
  4. open keychain, and check if there is any github account, and delete it.
  5. Now you can fork, clone and commit safely.

Assessments are meant to give you and RBK staff an idea of how well you understand, or can figure out, the material that you covered recently.

  • Turn off all communication devices such as your phone, email, Slack, etc.
  • Fork this repo and clone down your fork to your laptop.
  • Commit working code early and often (at least after every prompt). You are graded on your commit messages in addition to the code that you write

[When this code is committed it will] Complete the basic-iteration prompt

  • Do at least a little work on every prompt, even if you only leave comments that describe your intent. Leaving a prompt blank is tantamount to failing a prompt. You'll get much more credit even for writing comments or pseudo-code that describe your intent
  • You must submit a pull request for all assessments on time (guidelines for how to submit a pull request are below). Give yourself several minutes to do this at the end of the time allotted for the assessment
  • The help button is available to you during assessments, how often you use it is up to your own discretion
  • After completing the assessment, if there are any prompts you felt you did not do well on, or, that you would not know how to assess whether or not you did well on, make plans to improve your skills on that topic as soon as possible.

General Guidelines

This Assesment is split into 4 different parts. Each part is in each own folder and has it's own README file. Please read this README first, then refer to the README for each section. Each README has it's own rules on what resources you are allowed to use. At no point are you allowed to use your prior sprint code, work with any partner or look at your neighbors code. Cheaters will be removed!

We believe this is a worthy challenge for you!


  1. Read the entire directions!!!

  2. Began your screen recording software if you have not yet. Please use the low resolution/quality setting for the recording!

  3. Start working in the following order:

    1. Back-End
    2. Front-End
    3. Rest-Api
    4. Bare-Node-Graph

    Use your time wisely, we expect you to be pushing code starting at 4pm! While you must work in order, you do not need to be 100% done before going to the next section. In fact we expect you to have work on each section!

  4. You must manage your time effectively to complete this assessment. This assessment will be evaluated as if it was a coding challenge given to you as part of a job application process. Not only will the functionality of your code be important, but also, the professionalism with which you write it. Consider the style and organization of your code. Make frequent commits with informative and consistent commit messages. Be professional and informative with your comments.

  5. When you are done, or starting at 4pm please push your code, and make a pull request.

  6. You may continue working til 4:30 pm, but the last pull request we will not accept any pull requests 4:31 pm or later.

  7. At 4:30, flash drives will be distrubted .

How to Record Your Screen

This document details how to create a recording of your screen If you are using these instructions for a recorded student assessment, you should receive specific directions from your instruction team regarding how to turn in your screen recording file.

NOTE: Recording several hours of screen capture will use a large amount of data, up 4GB PER HOUR. Please make sure you have enough free storage space to accommodate your screen capture data!


To begin recording

  • Launch QuickTime Player from Finder or Alfred/Spotlight.
  • In QuickTime Player, go to the File -> New screen recording
  • Click the down arrow next to the record button and enable Show Mouse Clicks in Recording

screen shot 2016-05-25 at 4 15 41 pm

  • Click the red record button to initiate the screen recording
  • QuickTime will show you a notice in the middle of the screen as show in the screen shot below -- click on it confirm the screen capture and begin recording

screen shot 2016-05-25 at 4 15 48 pm

To check that QuickTime is actively recording, look for the black stop button (square) inside a circle, in the system tray:

screen shot 2016-05-25 at 4 16 03 pm

To stop recording

Open QuickTime Player by clicking the the black stop button (square inside a circle) in the system tray

screen shot 2016-05-25 at 4 16 03 pm

Choose File -> export, choose 480p quality, and name your video file firstname-lastname-yyyy-mm-dd


Download and install OBS Classic. It's free and open source!

To start recording

Update the following Settings (click Apply between each step):

Encoding Broadcast Settings
Max Bitrate (kb/s): 192 Mode: File Output Only
File Path: firstname-lastname-yyyy-mm-dd.mp4
Video: FPS: 15

Add a Monitor Capture source:

  • Right click the Sources: box and click Add -> Monitor Capture
  • Give it any name, the default is fine
  • Click OK, the default options are fine

From the main screen, click Start Recording, and minimize the program.

To stop recording

Simply click Stop Recording and your screen recording will show up at the File Path you specified.


We recommend SimpleScreenRecorder

Good Luck :)