
A single, sliced psd file containing all major image dimensions for facebook, twitter, google+, youtube & linkedin

MIT LicenseMIT

Social Media Dimensions Cheatsheet

A single, sliced psd file containing all major image dimensions for facebook, twitter, google+, youtube & linkedin


Contains the following images & networks:

  • Cover Photo (851px x 315px)
  • Profile Photo (300 x 300px, displays as 160 x 160px)
  • App Icon (111 x 74px)
  • Cover Photo (2120 x 1192px)
  • Profile Photo (300 x 300px, displays as 120 x 120px)
  • Background Image (2560 x 1600px)
  • Header Image (1500 x 500px)
  • Profile Photo (400 x 400px, displays as 200 x 200px, then 36 x 36px on scroll)
  • Cover Image (646 x 220px)
  • Company Logo (100 x 60px)
  • Cover Photo (2560 x 1440px)

How to use

Step 1

Replace placeholder images with your own images

Step 2

When saving, make sure to 'Save for Web' and change the 'slices' option to 'All User Slices'