
A node library which takes filepath and convert its filesystem in an object, So you can access paths with dot.separated.structure .

Primary LanguageJavaScript


NOOPath is Node Object Oriented Path. A node library which takes filepath and convert its filesystem into an object, So you can access paths with dot.separated.structure . This library will take away the pain of writing paths as string, by replacing it will dot separated notation like noopath.var.www.path.to.project. This library also offers an interesting dynamic loading of files with its filename.


npm install noopath

Directory structure:

|- var
    |- www
        |- noopath
            |- test.js
            |- config.js
            |- folder
                  |- calculation.js
                  |- manager.js
                  |- something.js
                  |- another_folder
                            |- x.json
                            |- y.json
                            |- config.json
            |- package.json
            |- package-lock.json
            |- node_modules
                  |- ...
            |- .git
                  |- ...


const noopath = require('noopath');

noopath.setPath("/var/www/noopath") //set path to folder

                    ]); //setting the path which you want to ignore in creation of object
noopath.setIgnoreExtensions(["json"]) //Adds `json` to ignore extensions, `js` is already there.

 * This function will return complete folder structure as an object.
const config = noopath.getConfig()

//Output: /var/www/noopath/test.js
//Output: /var/www/noopath/folder/calculation.js

 * Get file name from object oriented string.
var filepath = noopath.getFromConfig("var.www.noopath.folder.calculation")
//Output: /var/www/noopath/folder/calculation.js

 * This function will allow you to get filepath. Rather than completely relying on the project structure.
 * It will return first encounter file with name specified or else it will return false.
//Output: /var/www/noopath/folder/another_folder/x.json

 * It will first get all keys with name config and filter out the required one.
 * Filter out between two files /var/www/noopath/folder/another_folder/config.json,  /var/www/noopath/config.js
console.log(noopath.loadByFilter("config", "config\.json$")) 
//Output: /var/www/noopath/folder/another_folder/config.json

 * Note: Can accept variable no. of arguments.
 * Existence priority loading, this will check the existence of each file and return, 
 * with the first, existing filename. As config.staging, development and production does not exists it returns with config
//Output: /var/www/noopath/folder/another_folder/config.json

 * This function will retrieve filepath on the basis of filename or parent foldername. 
 * Note: Parent folder can be parent or grand parent or grand grand parent or else.
console.log(noopath.loadFromFolder("noopath", "something"))
//Output: /var/www/noopath/folder/something.js

 * This function will help you print console log for files loaded, filtered or retrieved through loading functions.

 * It will return all files gathered for filtering out.
//Output: ["/var/www/noopath/folder/another_folder/config.json",  "/var/www/nooath/config.js"]

 * By default noopath will retrieve folder structure object and keep on retrieving filepaths using the same object.
 * In case of re-gathering file structure information, you can clear previously obtained object.



  var: {
    www: {
      noopath: {
        test: "/var/www/noopath/test.js",
        config: "/var/www/noopath/config.js",
        package: "/var/www/noopath/package.json",
        package-lock: "/var/www/noopath/package-lock.json",
        folder: {
            calculation: "/var/www/noopath/folder/calculation.js",
            manager: "/var/www/noopath/folder/manager.js",
            something: "/var/www/noopath/folder/something.js",
            another_folder: {
                x: "/var/www/noopath/folder/another_folder/x.json",
                y: "/var/www/noopath/folder/another_folder/y.json",
                config: "/var/www/noopath/folder/another_folder/config.json",


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