
Protocol for finding informative protein families and then using them to score omic samples

Primary LanguagePython


Welcome to the new location of MEBS

The development of https://github.com/eead-csic-compbio/metagenome_Pfam_score and any updates and new versions of MEBS will be posted on this new website.


  • python >= 3.6.2
  • python modules:
    • numpy
    • matplotlib
    • pandas
    • seaborn

Basic usage

MEBS uses a few command line options that can be viewed by typing mebs.pl -h on the command line

perl mebs.pl -h 

  Program to compute MEBS for a set of genomic/metagenomic FASTA files in input folder.
  Version: v1.0

  usage: mebs.pl [options] 

   -help    Brief help message
   -input   Folder containing FASTA peptide files (.faa)                  (required)

   -type    Nature of input sequences, either 'genomic' or 'metagenomic'  (required)

   -fdr     Score cycles with False Discovery Rate 0.1 0.01 0.001 0.0001  (optional, default=0.01)

   -cycles  Show currently supported biogeochemical cycles


Readme needs to be updated