Advanced Web Services

Flask Backend

Date Created: July 07, 2020
Date Modified: - July 20, 2020
Group: 5

Heroku Frontend Link:
Heroku Back-end Link:

Feature Developed: User Management System

User Management Feature

I have created user management feature for assignment 4. In this assignment, mainly, I have created backend part and some frontend part. I have developed API to signup, login, edit profile, change password, forgot password and fetch user data. On frontend part, I have developed two new pages, forgot password and change password pages. (Note: All pages for user management feature were developed earlier.)

Frontend Files created

  • Files created apart from existing files: 1.

Backend Files and Endpoints created

Note: Base project was setup by me.

  • Created additional python files in services directory:
    1. services/
    2. services/
    3. services/
  • Endpoints created in file:
    1. Signup endpoint: /users/login
    2. Login endpoint: /users/login
    3. Forgot password endpoint: /users/forgot
    4. Change password endpoint: /users/change
    5. Fetching user details endpoint: /users/user
    6. Edit user details endpoint: /users/edit
    7. Logout endpoint: /users/logout

1. How to run backend on your machine

To use code base follow the steps given below:

  1. Clone the repository using
  2. Go to the directory using terminal
  3. Install dependencies using pip install -r requirements.txt
  4. Create .env file into the root directory of project
  5. Add following environment variables
    URI = <mongodb atlas url>
    SECRET_KEY = <secret-key anything>
    SENDGRID_API_KEY = <API key of twilio>
    MAIL_DEFAULT_SENDER = <single sender email from twilio>
    Note: In Mongodb Atlas url remove last part which looks like &w=majority. This is because when we set environment variable on heroku it was not allowing to add data with &
  6. Run command python in windows and for mac/linux python3

2. How to run frontend on your machine

To use code base follow the steps given below:

  1. Clone the repository using
  2. Go to the directory using terminal
  3. Install dependencies using npm install
  4. Create .env file into the root directory of project
  5. Add following environment variables REACT_APP_REGISTER_URL=<API Endpoint> Note: For local server add http: and make sure API-endpoint/Server supports CORS. For more details regarding CORS go to this Link. After adding environment variable into .env file one has to restart development server.
  6. Run command npm run start

Backend Files and Endpoints developed

Note: Base project was setup by me.

  • Created additional python files in services directory:
    1. services/
    2. services/
    3. services/
  • Endpoints created in file:
    1. Signup endpoint: /users/login
    2. Login endpoint: /users/login
    3. Forgot password endpoint: /users/forgot
    4. Change password endpoint: /users/change
    5. Fetching user details endpoint: /users/user
    6. Edit user details endpoint: /users/edit
    7. Logout endpoint: /users/logout