Node.js API for User Management


This is a Node.js API for user management. It allows users to register, login, and modify their own information. Admins can view, modify, and delete all user details.

Table of Contents

User Management

  • Signup: Endpoint for user registration.
  • Login: Endpoint for user login.
  • Modify User Details: Allowing users to modify their own information.
  • Delete User: Endpoint for user account deletion.

Admin Management

  • Create Admin: API to create admin accounts.

End Points

  • POST /api/v1/user/signup Endpoint for user registration.

  • POST /api/v1/user/login Endpoint for user login.

  • POST /api/v1/user/logout Endpoint for user logout.

  • GET /api/v1/user/me Endpoint for getting user details.

  • PATCH /api/v1/user/update Endpoint for updating user details (username or role).

  • DELETE /api/v1/user/delete Endpoint for deleting user account.

  • PATCH /api/v1/user/update-profile-image Endpoint for updating user profile image.

  • PATCH /api/v1/user/update-password Endpoint for updating user password.

  • POST /api/v1/admin/getAllUser Endpoint for getting all user details.

  • PATCH /api/v1/admin/update/:id Endpoint for updating user details (username or role).

  • PATCH /api/v1/admin/updateProfileImage/:id Endpoint for updating user profile image.

  • DELETE /api/v1/admin/deleteUser/:id Endpoint for deleting user account.

  • DELETE /api/v1/admin/deleteAllUsers Endpoint for deleting all user account.

Roles and Access Control

  • Define two roles: Admin and User.
  • Admins can view, modify, and delete all user details.
  • Users can only view, modify, and delete their own details.

Authentication and Security

  • Implement an authentication system using JSON Web Tokens (JWT).
  • Use bcrypt to securely encrypt user passwords.

Image Storage

  • Save profile images in the local system for temporary use and integrate with cloudinary service to save.

Database and Framework

  • Utilize Express.js for API development.
  • Use Mongoose to create models, connect to the database, and perform CRUD operations.
  • Use MongoDB Atlas for cloud database.
  • Use Multer for image upload.
  • Use Cloudinary for image storage.

Data Validation

  • Implement thorough data validation to ensure the correctness and integrity of input data.

Project Structure

  • /public: Contains static files (images).
  • /src/controllers: Contains controllers for handling different functionalities.
  • /src/middlewares: Includes middleware functions for authentication and validation.
  • /src/models: Defines database models (User, Admin).
  • /scr/db : Contains database connection file
  • /src/routes: Defines API routes for users and admins.
  • /src/utils: Utility functions for encryption and validation.
  • /src/index.js: Main entry point for the application.
  • /src/app.js : express app configuration file

How to Use

# Clone the repository
git clone
// Install dependencies
npm install
npm run start