PESU Web-App Software Project

Primary LanguageHTML


This is a complete web application developed using Flask for the backend and MySQL for the database. Iterative + Incremental SDLC model was used to develop the project.

How to run

Open a terminal on Linux/WSL. Run the following:

git clone https://github.com/sreyansb/PESU_APP.git
python mainapp.py


  • Login functionality with 3 types of users (Admin, Faculty, Student)
  • Admin Features:
    • Course content management (View, Add, Edit courses)
    • Event notification system (View, Add, Edit, delete notifications)
    • Student profiles (View, Add, Edit student profiles)
    • Faculty profiles (View, Add, Edit faculty profiles)
    • Course feedback (View all subjects feedback)
  • Faculty Features:
    • Course content dashboard (View course details that are taught)
    • Notification system (View all notifications)
  • Student Features:
    • Course content dashboard (View course details that are opted for)
    • Notification system (View all notifications)
    • Course feedback (Give feedback to courses opted for)

Design Diagrams

1. Class Diagram

2. System Architecture

For the other activity diagrams and sequence diagrams for each use case, refer to the images/ folder.



This project was done as part of our Object Oriented Analysis and Design course.
