No. | Content |
1. | Face_Detection |
2. | The no Guessing game |
3. | Tic-Tac-Toe |
4. | batman |
5. | calculator |
6. | chat spammer |
7. | google logo |
8. | happy birthday code |
9. | insta bot |
10. | landscape drawing |
11. | mothers day |
12. | pic converter |
13. | pic to ascii converter |
14. | pickachu |
15. | qr code generatoro |
16. | shinchan |
17. | sketch maker |
18. | text to audio converter |
19. | video to audio converter |
20. | qr code generatoro |
21. | yt video downloader |
22. | Check Internet Speed |
23. | Phone number Details |