Scholarship Management System


Our vision is to create a robust and transparent platform that facilitates the management of scholarships, connecting donors with deserving students efficiently. We aim to streamline the process of scholarship creation, application, and distribution, ensuring fairness and accessibility to educational opportunities for all.


Our mission is to leverage blockchain technology to create a secure and immutable system for managing scholarships. By implementing smart contracts, we aim to automate the scholarship application and selection process, reducing administrative overhead and providing a transparent and auditable framework. Our goal is to empower both donors and students, fostering a community-driven approach to supporting education.

Working Flow

1. Creating a Scholarship

  • Donors can create scholarships by specifying the amount, eligibility criteria, and other relevant details.
  • Upon creation, a unique scholarship ID is generated and stored on the blockchain along with the scholarship information.

2. Applying for a Scholarship

  • Students can apply for scholarships by providing necessary data such as GPA, major, etc., as per the eligibility criteria set by the donor.
  • Each application is associated with the respective scholarship ID and stored securely on the blockchain.

3. Processing Applications

  • The system periodically processes scholarship applications to determine eligibility and allocate funds accordingly.
  • Eligible applications are identified based on the criteria defined by the donors.
  • Upon verification, funds are transferred to the selected students' accounts using the specified token contract.


  • Scholarship Contract: Manages the creation, application, and processing of scholarships using smart contracts.
  • Helper Functions: Various helper functions are implemented to retrieve scholarship and application data, generate unique IDs, and validate eligibility criteria.
  • Token Contract Integration: Integrates with a token contract to facilitate the transfer of scholarship funds to students.