19CSE431 - Digital Image Processing

Project Topic: Lung Cancer Detection


Recently, Image Processing Techniques are widely used in several medical areas for image improvement and nowadays is used for early detection and treatment. Medical field is one such field where time factor is at the utmost priority and it is very important to detect the abnormal tissues in target images in the case of Cancer. In recent times, Lung Cancer has become a sign of fear amongst the people all over the world. With the advancement in technology, it is now possible to automate this whole process with the help of Computer Vision. With the help of Image Processing techniques, it is now possible to automate the pre-processing of Medical Images which aids in early detection of Cancer growth. In this particular paper, CT (Computed Tomography) Scan Images of Lungs are processed using various techniques like Filtering, Noise Removal, Morphological Techniques and Segmentation Techniques. Image Quality and Accuracy are the core areas of focus in this paper and our end goal is to generalize the methods use so that the same procedure can be scaled up to work with any given dataset.


  • Basic Image operations
  • Intensity transformation
  • Spatial Filtering
  • Frequency and Noise models


S.No Name Roll No
1. M Jietthesh Balaji CB.EN.U4CSE20322
2. Raj Mota CB.EN.U4CSE20349
3. Sai Sidharth Sriram CB.EN.U4CSE20352
4. Sakthi Vikkraman R CB.EN.U4CSE20353