
Hello and Welcome!

This is the landing page for my Github Repository. I'm a Computer Science graduate student from the University of South Carolina.Herein, I try to replicate my projects using open-source technolgies and bring my other ideas to life by tinkering with new frameworks and tools.

I also included brief introductions as well as links to the GitHub repositories of all my projects.

  • Face Detection and Ranking Web Application : A face-detection app using React, Node and PostgreSQL. Link to project
  • Secure Banking System: An Online Banking Application prototype from scratch with features of Primary and Savings Account, Deposits and Withdrawals, Password Encryption, Transaction History and Appointment Booking.Link to project
  • Robofriends: A simple contacts app where a random robot face is generated for each contact. Link to project
  • Library Management System: Project involves creation of database host application that interfaces with a backend SQL database implementing a Library Management System. Users of this system are understood to be librarians.Link to project
  • Complier Construction: Implemented interpreter and assembler for assembly level programming on Linux 32-bit architecture using flex and bison.Link to project
  • Background Generator: A simple background generator based on linear gradients.Link to project
  • Finite State Model: A finite state model of a traffic-light controller and using the NuSMV symbolic model-checker verify its properties.Link to project
  • Image dehazing Using Multi Scale Fusion: A project to remove Haze and Fog caused by severe weather conditions with the emphasis on making scsenes more visible. The project has been implemented with Gaussian pyramid, Laplacian pyramid filters and simulated using MATLAB.Link to project