

Scan images to PDF edit,save and sahre it with built-in PDF viewer


  • Xcode
  • MacOS 12 +
  • Cocoa pods
  • Physical iOS device( Camera is not supported in iOS simulator)

How to run

  • Open the mac terminal.

  • Clone the repo. git clone https://github.com/SaiBalaji22/QuickScanner.git

  • Move into the project directory using terminal

  • Install the cocoapod dependencies by running the below command in terminal inside the project directory. pod install

  • Open QuickScanner.xcworkspace in latest version of Xcode on a mac with internet connection by running the below command in terminal. open QuickScanner.xcworkspace

  • Wait for the dependencies to complete indexing.

  • Plug the physical iOS device to mac

  • Build and Run the project in iPhone simulator(Not iPod) by pressing Command + R.

Screen shots


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