Deployment 8

Welcome to deployment 8, it's time to put all the pieces together!! Time to create a full CI/CD Pipeline.

  • This repo has an application you will have to create a pipleine for.
  • Review past deployments to help you finish this deployment.
  • Deployment 8 will be due 12/04/2021.
  • Please review submission requirements below:


  • [x]Create a logical topology of all the software and components used in this deployment
  • [x]Document your process and any issues that you experienced
  • [x]Reports genertated from the front-end test and the security check, must encrypted and then added to your repo
  • [x]Create a GitHub repository for your documentation
  • [x]Must use the technologies below:
  1. Docker
  2. Ansible
  3. Cypress

👉Link to deployment instructions: here