Creating a VPC, subnets, EC2 and RDS instance from scratch using IaC with Terraform

Primary LanguageHCL


Deployment 9

Welcome to Deployment 9. For this deployment you will need to follow the directions below to generate Terraform code to deploy the following resources:

Terraform Challenge

Create the following resources in AWS using the latest Terraform version (do not use external modules):

Part 1 - VPC

  1. Create a new VPC with:
  • 5 subnets (2 public, 1 private, 2 internal)
  • 2 route tables (public & private)
  • an Internet Gateway
  • and 1 NAT Gateway (in 1 of the private subnets)
  1. Subnets are defined as:
  • Public - route to Internet Gateway (for any ipv4 address)
  • Private - route to NAT Gateway (for any ipv4 address)
  • Internal - do not associate any route table in Terraform (main/default route table will be associated by default which only has a route to the local/private network)

Note: You can decide which network range to use.

Part 2 - EC2

  1. Create 1 EC2 instance in the private subnet with:
  • An Ubuntu AMI (version of your choosing)
  • Instance type/size, tags, and other settings of your choosing
  1. Create a security group for the EC2 with the following rules:
  • Ingress: allow port 80 traffic from the ALB security group
  • Egress: allow all outbound traffic to any ipv4 address

Part 3 - Application Load Balancer (ALB)

  1. Create 1 ALB in the 2 public subnets
  2. Create a security group for the ALB with the following rules:
  • Ingress: allows only port 80 inbound traffic from any ipv4 address
  • Egress: allow only port 80 outbound traffic to the EC2 security group
  1. Create a target group and add the EC2 instance to the group
  2. Create an ALB listener that forwards traffic to the target group

Note: for this exercise the ALB is not accepting HTTPS traffic, only HTTP

Part 4 - RDS

  1. Create 1 PostgreSQL RDS instance
  • Make it multi-az
  • Name, instance type/size, tags, db username/password, and other settings of your choosing
  1. Create a security group for the RDS with the following rule:
  • Ingress: allow traffic to its port from the EC2 security group
  1. Create a DB subnet group for the RDS consisting of the 2 internal subnets

Be sure to include the following below in your pull request:


  • Add all Terraform files to the pull request.
  • Document the process, issues and anything you decided to do differently.
  • Screenshot samples of your infrastucture from AWS and include in your PR.
  • DO NOT upload the terraform.tfstate file to the repo (it should be ignored by default)
