
Implementation of various methods to find roots of equations: Bisection Method, False Position Method, Secant Method, Modified Secant Method, Newton Rhapson Method

Primary LanguageJava

Implementation of various methods to find roots of equations:

  1. Bisection Method
  2. False Position Method
  3. Secant Method
  4. Modified Secant Method
  5. Newton Rhapson Method


This program computes the roots of the following two equations and also their relative and true errors for each method and outputs to file.

  1. A third degree polynomial function -> 2x^3 - 11.7x^2 + 17.7x - 5,
  2. A hyperbolic cosine function -> x + 10 – xcosh(50/x)

How to run the program

  1. Compile the program using the command 'javac Roots.java' within the directory. Once it compiles, type 'java Roots' and the program should run as expected.

  2. Alternatively, the program can be run on any Java IDE.