
Bike Sales Excel Dashboard Project: Analyzed and visualized sales data, cleaned datasets, and created interactive dashboards in Excel.

Bike Sales Excel Dashboard Project

Project Overview

This Excel project involves creating a comprehensive dashboard for bike sales, utilizing data cleaning, pivot tables, and visualizations. The goal is to provide a user-friendly dashboard where users can interact with the data, exploring bike sales insights based on various demographics.


Data Set

Dataset Used - https://www.kaggle.com/datasets/heeraldedhia/bike-buyers

  • The project utilizes the Bike Buyers 1000 dataset.

Key Steps in the Project

  1. Data Cleaning: Identify and remove duplicates, standardize categorical data (e.g., marital status, gender).
  2. Create Working Sheet: Copy raw data to a working sheet for manipulation, keeping the original data intact.
  3. Pivot Tables: Utilize pivot tables to summarize and analyze data for visualization.
  4. Visualizations: Build visualizations using recommended charts to represent key insights, such as average income, commute distance, and age brackets.
  5. Dashboard Creation: Copy visualizations onto a dashboard sheet for a consolidated view.
  6. Chart Customization: Adjust chart titles, axis labels, and formatting for better clarity.

Dashboard Components

  • Average Income by Gender and Bike Purchase: Understand the average income of individuals based on gender and whether they purchased a bike.
  • Customer Commute Distance: Analyze the distribution of customers based on their commute distance and bike purchase status.
  • Customer Age Brackets: Explore bike sales across different age brackets, categorizing customers as adolescent, middle-aged, and old.

Instructions for Use

  1. Download the dataset from the provided GitHub repository link.
  2. Explore the interactive dashboard to gain insights into bike sales based on various demographics.
  3. Contribute or modify the project as needed for your specific requirements.