
KnowNFT: A Bot that will answer all the queries regarding NFTs. NFT is a topic known to only a few people on the internet. It is slowly getting popular with each passing hour. So the development of such a Bot is needed to answer all the queries in less time. KnowNFT will solve this Problem and Spread more knowledge about NFTs. It can be used to help people understand NFTs. It will give them the information that they are looking for. In this Project, The website will have a QnA bot that will answer the questions of different users efficiently.

Primary LanguageCSS


In a world that's evolving at such a fast pace, Many People have no awareness about NFTs. People have a lot of queries regarding NFTs. In this Scenario, A Bot Answering all those questions is more resourceful than a human being. There Comes KnowNFT, a Bot that will answer all the Questions around NFTs.

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KnowNFT: A Bot that will answer all the queries regarding NFTs. NFT is a topic known to only a few people on the internet. It is slowly getting popular with each passing hour. So the development of such a Bot is needed to answer all the queries in less time. KnowNFT will solve this Problem and Spread more knowledge about NFTs. It can be used to help people understand NFTs. It will give them the information that they are looking for. In this Project, The website will have a QnA bot that will answer the questions of different users efficiently.

This Project is developed during my internship at Future Ready Talent by Microsoft, AICTE. I Have used few of the azure services like Azure QnA Maker, Azure Web App, Visual Studio Code.

UPDATE📢 : You cannot use the BOT Anymore due to the inefficient balance in my Azure Account⚡ But you can Watch the Demo Video to see how it works✌


Youtube Link


You can visit here : https://knownft.azurewebsites.net/

Also on Github : https://saisurajmatta.github.io/KnowNFT/

You Can Contact me : https://in.linkedin.com/in/saisurajmatta