Hotel Chain App

This is Hotel Chain App.

Front-end part was build using react, react router, axios.

Back-end part was build using Java EE(JAX-RS).

Database part was build using MySQL.

How to launch production server


First, go to folder "client".

Install node modules:

npm install

Then, create production files:

npm run build

After that, install serve:

npm install -g serve

Launch production server in http://localhost:5000:

serve -s build


Go to folder "backend".

This is JAX-RS app. You can deploy it with Tomcat(preferred 9.0v). Path should be http://localhost:8080/backend_war_exploded/

This app works as API(Do not have Front-end part) but can handle requests from another server.

If you encounter a ClassNotFoundException when accessing your database, you should download mysql-connector-java-8.0.21 (or later) and add it to project as a library. Also, do not forget to add a respective maven dependency.