
Make development with Squid more comfortable using the Squid Generic Utils

Primary LanguageTypeScript


Somewhere along the way, in every project we come across a need to create our own utils.js to serve the business codebase.



This function is designed to update a specific document in a Squid database collection. The function takes an object as an argument, which includes the following properties: docRefName, docProp, valueToPush, and collectionName.

Here's a step-by-step breakdown of what the function does:

  1. The function begins by calling the selectCollection function with collectionName as an argument. This function is not shown in the provided code, but it presumably returns a reference to a Squid collection.

  2. Next, it creates a document reference, docRef, by calling the doc method on the portfolioCollection object with docRefName as an argument. This reference points to a specific document within the Squid collection.

  3. The function then retrieves the current state of the document by calling the snapshot method on docRef and awaits its result. The current state of the document is stored in the current variable.

  4. A copy of the current object is made and stored in tempDocProps. This is done to avoid directly mutating the current object.

  5. The function then checks if the property of the document specified by docProp is a string. If it is, the function updates the docRefName property of tempDocProps with valueToPush and then updates the document in Squid with the updated tempDocProps object.

  6. If the docProp property of the document is an array, the function pushes valueToPush into this array, updates the docProp property of tempDocProps with the updated array, and then updates the document in Squid with the updated tempDocProps object.

  7. Finally, the function logs the updated state of the document to the console.

This function is useful for updating specific properties of a document in a Squid collection, whether those properties are strings or arrays.


This function is designed to interact with both a Squid database collection and the browser's local storage. The function takes an object as an argument, which includes the following properties: docRefName, collectionName, and refresh.

Here's a step-by-step breakdown of what the function does:

  1. The function begins by calling the selectCollection function with collectionName as an argument. This function is not shown in the provided code, but it presumably returns a reference to a Squid collection.

  2. The function then checks if there is an item named "cacheResponse" in the local storage or if the refresh parameter is true. If either of these conditions is met, the function proceeds to the next steps. Otherwise, it skips to step 4.

  3. The function creates a document reference, docRef, by calling the doc method on the portfolioCollection object with docRefName as an argument. This reference points to a specific document within the Squid collection. The function then retrieves the current state of the document by calling the snapshot method on docRef and awaits its result. The current state of the document is then stored in the local storage under the key "cacheResponse".

  4. The function retrieves the "cacheResponse" item from the local storage and stores it in the storedData variable.

  5. Finally, the function returns the parsed JSON of storedData.

This function is useful for caching Squid document data in the local storage and retrieving it. The refresh parameter allows for the cache to be updated with the latest data from Squid when needed.