
This guide is to run a sample application on openshift cluster using tekton


  • Install Tekton
  1. Navigate to Operator Hub
  2. Search tekton
  3. Subscribe and Install

Deploy a sample nodejs application using tekton

  1. clone the repo
$ git clone
  1. Navigate to the directory
$ cd nodejs-tekton-openshift
  • in kubernetes folder you have all kubernetes artifacts
  • in tekton folder you have tekton configuration
  • tekton/resources.yaml specified git repo and private images repo
  • tekton/task.yaml specifies all the tasks, such as build push and deploy. each tasks has specific steps
  • tekton/pipeline.yaml configures pipeline and specifies what tasks to run
  • tekton/pipelinerun.yaml Runs the given pipeline
  1. Configure secret
  • Create docker.config.json
$ touch docker.config.json
  • populate with the following data
  "auths": {
    "docker-registry.default.svc.cluster.local:5000": {
      "auth": "c2E6ZXlKaGJHY2lPaUp<...skipped many lines ...>"
  • auth entry needs to change
  • get secret
$ secret=$(oc get secret  | grep pipeline-token | head -1 | awk '{print $1}')
  • get token
$ token=$(oc get secret $secret -o jsonpath="{.data.token}")
token=$(echo $token | base64 --decode)
echo "sa:$token" | base64

  • copy it and paste it in auth

  • Create a docker secret

$ oc create configmap docker-config --from-file=config.json=docker.config.json
  1. Apply tekton yaml
$ oc apply -f resources.yaml
$ oc apply -f task.yaml
$ oc apply -f pipeline.yaml
$ oc apply -f pipelinerun.yaml
  1. Open openshift dashboard and navigate to pipeline and then pipeline run to see the running pipeline

