This repository includes all the basic Angular Apps throughout my learning process
1. Todo Application Level 1 :
- User can add Items
- User can delete Item
- User can mark the item as completed/not-completed
- Basic html5 and css3
- You can access the app via the following link ==>
2. Todo Application Level 2 :
- User can add Items
- User can delete Item
- User can tap the item as completed/not-completed
- Basic html5 and css3
- We are using JSON server as our backend
- RxJs observables, subject
- Using todo services
- Using json server deployed on the Heroku Server
- You can access the app via the following link ==>
3. Todo Application Level 3 :
- User can add Items
- User can delete Item
- User can tap the item as completed/not-completed
- Basic html5 and css3
- We are using JSON server as our backend
- RxJs observables, subject
- Using todo services
- We are using directives for the tooltip.
- Services for data handling
- We are using Angular Material UI
- You can access the app via the following link ==>