
A gatsby plugin to use Prisma Playground

Primary LanguageJavaScript


⚠️ Disclaimer: Playground has been added as an experimental feature behind a flag by this PR 11193. To use it without this lib, add GATSBY_GRAPHQL_IDE=playground as an environment variable and you should see it at the same route, where GraphiQL used to be.

Adds the Prisma playground to your gatsby dev server. This is running in parallel to GraphiQl.

What you will get is the Playground on the route /___playground, which you can use to query your data and test them out.

It will look like this

Example Image


npm install --save gatsby-plugin-playground

// or using yarn

yarn add gatsby-plugin-playground

How to use

Just add the plugin to the plugins array in your gatsby-config.js

plugins: [`gatsby-plugin-playground`]