
Twitter Direct Message API with nodejs

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Twitter Direct Message API with Twitter-Autohook


  1. Clone the repository from https://github.com/SaifuddinTipu/twit-dm.git

  2. Use 'npm install' to install all the packages

  3. Double click the ngrok.exe file to start the ngrok server

  4. Type ngrok http 5000 and hit Enter

  5. Copy the https url (e,g. https://XXXXXXXXXX.ngrok.io)

  6. Go to main.js file and find const webhookURL and past the {URL}/webhook/twitter

  7. Add the url in twitter developer app callback url

  8. Run npm start

  9. Go to localhost:5000/activity from your web browser.

That's it. Now you can see the DIRECT MESSAGE EVENTS.