
:email: An Example of using an HTML form (e.g: "Contact Us" on a website) to send Email without a Backend Server (using a Google Script)

Primary LanguageHTMLGNU General Public License v2.0GPL-2.0

Send Email from a Static HTML Form using Google Apps Mail!

A Step-by-Step Example of using an HTML Form to send a "Contact Us" Message via Email without a Backend Server using a Google Script - No PHP, Python, Ruby, Java, Node.js etc.


We needed a way of sending an email from a "static" HTML page when you don't (want to) have a server.

Key Advantages

  • No "Backend" to Deploy/Maintain/Pay for
  • Fully Customisabe - every aspect is customisable!
  • Email sent via Google Mail which is Whitelisted Everywhere (high deliverability success)
  • Collect/Store any form data in a Spreadsheet for easy viewing
    (perfect if you need to share it with non-technical people)


Instead of using a server to send your email, which is easy but requires maintenance,
use Google to send mail on your behalf and use Google Spreadsheets to keep track of the data!

You could use a "free" service like http://formspree.io/ to process your form submissions if you don't care where you are sending your data and want to manage the data submitted
in your email inbox (messy ... yuck!)
Or... you can invest a few minutes and keep data private/manageable. Take your pick.


1. Make a Copy of the Sample Spreadsheet

Sample: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Bn4m6iA_Xch1zzhNvo_6CoQWqOAgwwkOWJKC-phHx2Q/

In Google Sheets, Click "File" > "Make a copy..."


This should give you something like this:


Note: Feel free to change the name of the Copy to anything you want, it will not affect the outcome.

2. Open the Script Editor

Open the Script editor... by clicking "Tools" > "Script editor..."

2 script-editor

Here's a snapshot of the script you need (at this point in the exercise): google-script-just-email.js

3. Set the TO_ADDRESS in the Script

In the editor window you should expect to see:


Change the value of the TO_ADDRESS to which ever email you want to receive the contact form message.

4. Save a New Version of your Script

It's not immediately obvious but you have to click on "Manage Versions..."

19 google-script-no-save-new-version

Then create your new version:

20 google-script-save-new-version

5. Publish the Updated Script as a Web App

20 a-publish

Select the latest project version to deploy.
⚠️ Note: You must select the Anyone, even anonymous option for the 'Who has access to the app' dropdown or form responses will not be added to the spreadsheet! ⚠️

21 deploy-new-version

6. Authorize the Script to Send Emails

5 auth-required


Copy the web app URL to your clip board / note pad. Then Click "OK".

22 1-deploy-as-web-app

7. Create your basic HTML Form

Using the template in index.html in this repo, create your own html file with the basic form. (save the file)

⚠️ If you're already trying to use your own form by this step rather than the example one in this repo:

  • Each of your form elements must have a name attribute equal to that of your column name in the Google sheet
  • The form id must be gform, i.e. <form id = "gform">
    • If you want to alter this later, you will need to create your own version of form-submission-handler.js and amend the expected id

Remember to change the Form action URL to the one you copied in the previous step:


8. Open the HTML Form (page) in your Browser

Fill in some sample data in the HTML Form:

html form

Submit the form. You should see a confirmation that it was sent: form sent

9. Check the email inbox for the address you set

Open the inbox for the email address you set in Step 3 (above)

email received

Done. That's it. You just created an HTML form that sends email!

Part Two - Make It Look Good ...

We are going to keep this Super Lean by using PURE CSS for our Style (fix the "ugly" HTML Form in step 8). And submit the form using JQuery "AJAX" to keep the person on your page/site (avoid "ugly" response page)

10. Submit the Form using JavaScript "AJAX"

To prevent the page from changing to the JSON response/result we need to submit the form using AJAX.

Update your index.html to include the following JavaScript file at the end of your file (*before the closing </body> tag)

<script data-cfasync="false" type="text/javascript"

This will now display a "Thank You" message when the form is submitted:

thankyou message

Keeps the person on the same page. No refresh.

11. Customise the Message Shown when Form Submitted

Taylor your message by editing the thankyou_message div:


12. Use CSS to Make the Form Look Good

For this example we are using Pure CSS: http://purecss.io/start/ because its light weight (4.0KB minified and gzipped) and solves our current "problem": Making it Look Good.



Without spending too much time on this, we can make the form look a lot nicer:

contact form with pure css

13. Make the email look good too!

By default, the sent email's body contains the key-value pairs from the form, with the key as an <h4> and the value as a <div>. This is a fairly basic, and foolproof view for the data.

You should get something that looks roughly like: Nicely formatted email

Bear in mind that this is a work in progress and does potentially open you up to getting more than you bargained for in the email. Because the email content is now looping over all the data sent in the form, if a robot or malicious user decides to POST more than you've asked for, you'll likely get it in your inbox. Use with caution for now. We're investigating improvements.

You can modify this though, via the script editor. The line:

result += "<h4 style='text-transform: capitalize; margin-bottom: 0'>" + key + "</h4><div>" + obj[key] + "</div>";

has all you need. You can adjust the markup to suit you. We chose an <h4> because it was the best size for the email, and added the small amount of CSS to it to fix the capitalisation (the keys are all lower case in the JS object) and a bit of default spacing. While inline styles like this are generally bad practice on normal web pages, for email HTML they're about the only reliable way to do CSS!
We went with a <div> for the value part, because it could be anything - single-line, multiline (a <p> for example wouldn't cut it).

While we're here, there's also a replyTo option for the sendEmail() method which is commented out by default:

  subject: "Contact form submitted",
  // replyTo: String(mailData.email), // This is optional and reliant on your form actually collecting a field named `email`
  htmlBody: formatMailBody(mailData)

You can uncomment that if you want to add a reply-to field to your email. The example in the script will set the reply-to as the email submitted in the form.

Google's documentation provides more information about MailApp.sendEmail (for example cc/bcc etc.) if you're interested: https://developers.google.com/apps-script/reference/mail/mail-app

Part Three - Store Submitted Contact Form Data in a Spreadsheet

Sending the form data directly to your email inbox is a good first step, but we can do better.

14. Add the record_data Function to your Google Apps Script

record_data example

This will record the data received from the POST as a row in the spreadsheet.
See: google-apps-script.js for the full code you can copy-paste.

15. Save a New Version and Re-Publish it

Follow Steps 4, 5 & 6 to save a new version and re-publish the script.

16. Re-Test Submitting the Form

submit the form

17 Confirm the Data was Inserted into the Spreadsheet


Live Server (on your localhost)

Because we are loading external .js files, our web browser will not allow us to simply open the index.html from a local directory for testing out the form.

Open your terminal and run this command to install the node modules and start the live server:

npm install live-server --save-dev && node_modules/.bin/live-server --port=8000

It will take a minute to install, but once that's done your live-server will start up.

That starts a node.js HTTP server on port 8000 and opens the form you just created in your default browser. If you wish to update the form styles in style.css or the client-side Javascript in form-submission-handler.js, please be sure to edit index.html to load those resources locally rather than via GitHub.

Note: This is a light taste of Node.js for absolute beginners. You do not need node.js to "deploy" this form, you can run it on an any web server that serves HTML/CSS/JavaScript. If you have never used Node.js before, see: http://nodeguide.com/beginner.html but for the purposes of this exercise (submitting a form without a server) you don't need node.js or live-server it's just a nice thing to have when you are creating your form because it automatically re-loads the page when you make changes in your text editor!

Want more?

If you want us to take this tutorial further, please let us know!

Add your own fields!

In response to Henry Beary's request we made the form handler generic which means you can now add any fields you want to the form.

remember to include the fields inside the form that has the id gform and ensure that the name of the form element matches the new column heading in your spreadsheet. e.g:

<fieldset class="pure-group">
  <label for="color">Favourite Color: </label>
  <input id="color" name="color" placeholder="green" />

This will allow you to capture the person's favourite color: e.g: new-field-contains-data

Let us know if you have any questions!

Background Reading