I'm Saige.👋

At the moment:

  • 🔥 I'm building awesome things with awesome people at Of Ash And Fire.
  • 🆗 I volunteer/am a part of Techlahoma.
  • 🧑🏻‍💻 I'm working on multiple projects of my own, including (but not limited to) a Goodreads substitute, an AI Argument app, and a budget app for coffee/tea lovers.
  • 🌱 I love working with any tech stack, but have spent most of my time recently within MERN.
  • 💬 Let's talk about: literature, movies, music, hummus.
  • 🤔 When I'm not coding I'm: reading, doing something involving music, at the movies, wishing I was cool enough to be a rock climber.
  • Fun fact: I'm a pug dad.