This is a work-in-progress monitor for HLS streams to detect activity via perceptual hashing.
Currently it monitors a feed of North Korea TV and posts screencaps to Twitter.
- Roku Stream Tester launching partially
- HTTP cache for segments saves bandwidth
- Twitter
- Command via DM Increases rate, kill switch, change perceptual hashing threshold
- Resume threads on restart.
- Process separation of ffmpeg / CGO. This deserves a writeup!
- Passing FDs over Unix sockets
- Internals of Go's new fuzzing system - example of how to use a child process as an rpc service
- Find the most interesting images avoid blank screens
- Tweak the perceptual hash thresholds
- Revise the clunky FSM code.
- Test pattern detection
sudo apt-get install -y libavfilter7 libavdevice58 libavformat-dev libavcodec-dev libavdevice-dev libavutil-dev libswscale-dev libswresample-dev libavfilter-dev
- Ubuntu 21.10
- macOS - ffmpeg libraries installed via Hombrew. Not validated recently; suspect a bunch of work to be done.
- Probably > 2 gigabytes of free memory?