
Wissen is a LLM-powered chatbot that can handle conversations across multiple documents

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


In German, Wissen means Knowledge

💡 About

Wissen is a LLM-powered chatbot that can handle conversations across multiple documents. This app is built with

  • Langchain
  • Google Palm
  • Streamlit

Wissen has two ways to chat with you:

  1. Document Q&A Mode:
  • Uses Google's powerful Palm Base model for answering your questions.
  • Activated when you upload documents to Wissen.
  • In this mode, Wissen can only answer questions about the documents you've uploaded.
  1. Normal Conversation Mode:
  • This is the default mode when you start Wissen.
  • Uses Google's Palm Chat model for open-ended conversation.
  • Ask anything you want in this mode.
  • Wissen also switches to this mode when you clear all uploaded documents.

Switching between modes is automatic:

  • Uploading documents puts Wissen in Document Q&A mode.
  • Clearing all documents brings Wissen back to Normal Conversation mode.

🛠️ Installation

First clone the repository

$ git clone https://github.com/SaihanTaki/Wissen.git

Change directory to wissen

$ cd Wissen

Build the docker image

$ docker build -t wissen -f docker/Dockerfile .

Run the container

$ docker run -p 8080:8501 -e GOOGLE_API_KEY=paste_your_google_api_key wissen

Go to localhost:8080 in your browser

N.B. you can find an api key here Google AI Studio API Key

🛡️ License

Wissen is distributed under MIT License