
RecipeNet is a simple UDP client-server application for searching recipes using the Edamam API.

Primary LanguageJavaMIT LicenseMIT


RecipeNet is a simple UDP client-server application for searching recipes using the Edamam API.


  • UDPClient.java: Represents the UDP client. Sends recipe queries to the server and displays the search results.
  • UDPServer.java: Represents the UDP server. Listens for incoming queries, performs recipe searches, and sends results back to clients.
  • recipeSearch() method: In the UDPServer class. Performs recipe searches using the Edamam API.


  1. Ensure you have Java installed on your system.
  2. Compile the Java files using javac UDPClient.java and javac -cp ".;lib\org.json.jar" UDPServer.java.
  3. Create a lib folder in the project directory.
  4. Download the org.json.jar file and place it in the lib folder.
  5. Start the server by running java UDPServer by the command java -cp ".;lib\org.json.jar" UDPServer.
  6. Start the client by running java UDPClient.
  7. Enter a recipe query when prompted.
  8. View the search results displayed by the client.


  • This project uses UDP (User Datagram Protocol) for communication, which is connectionless and unreliable. It's suitable for applications where occasional packet loss is acceptable.
  • Ensure your firewall settings allow communication over the specified port (default port: 12000).