Simulation engine of mixed-fidelity unsteady aerodynamics and aeroacoustics.
This suite brings together mid and high-fidelity
aerodynamics tools developed at BYU's FLOW Lab: GeometricTools
(geometric engine), FLOWVLM
(VLM and
strip theory solver), CCBlade
(blade element momentum solver),
(3D inviscid panel
solver), and FLOWVPM
(viscous vortex particle method). The aeroacoustic
solver integrates PSU-WOPWOP (FW-H solver) and FLOWNoise
This module is written in Julia 0.6.4 since most of the codes are still using Julia 0.6.4 as they are pending for a major revamp.
- Viscous, unsteady wake mixing of rotors and lifting surfaces.
- Fully resolved rotor-on-rotor, rotor-on-wing, wing-on-rotor, and wing-on-wing interactions.
- Fully resolved unsteady loads during prescribed kinematic maneuvers.
- Viscous drag and separation is only captured through strip theory, without attempting to shed separation wakes.
- No viscous drag is captured through VLM and panel models.
- Coupling of aerodynamic loads and flight path allowing dynamic simulations.
- Bluff body separation and panel-predicted viscous drag (?).
For validation and numerical recommendations, check this notebook in the
documentation: docs/resources/validation.ipynb
For example simulations, check this notebook: docs/resources/examples.ipynb
: Source code.examples/
: Example
: Documentation (open Jupyter notebooks with nbviewer).docs/resources/
: Instructions for setting up this
: Validation of models implemented in this package and numeric
: Results of example simulations.
: Contact Ed Alvarez or the FLOW Lab.- Paraview : Not needed, but examples call Paraview for visualization of outputs.
HEAVING WING: examples/heavingwing.jl
CROSS-WIND CIRCULAR PATH: examples/circularpath.jl
HOVERING ROTOR: examples/singlerotor.jl
INTERACTING TANDEM HEAVING WING: examples/tandemheavingwing.jl
BLOWN WING: examples/blownwing/blownwing.jl
eVTOL TRANSITION: examples/vahana/vahana.jl
(in progress)
- Alvarez, E. J., & Ning, A. (2021, in progress). Unsteady Mixed-fidelity Aerodynamics Solver
for Maneuvering Multirotor Aircraft. AIAA SciTech Forum. [PDF]
- Alvarez, E. J., (2020). Quasi-steady Aerodynamics Solver for a High-fidelity Controls Framework. FLOWUnsteady Documentation. [PDF]
- Alvarez, E. J., & Ning, A. (2020, accepted). High-fidelity Modeling of Multirotor Aerodynamic Interactions for Aircraft Design. AIAA Journal. [PDF]
- Alvarez, E. J., & Ning, A. (2019). Modeling Multirotor Aerodynamic Interactions Through the Vortex Particle Method. AIAA AVIATION Forum. DOI: 10.2514/6.2019-2827 [SLIDES][PDF]
- Alvarez, E. J., & Ning, A. (2018). Development of a Vortex Particle Code for the Modeling of Wake Interaction in Distributed Propulsion. AIAA AVIATION Forum. DOI: 10.2514/6.2018-3646 [SLIDES][PDF]
- Main developer : Eduardo J Alvarez
- Email :
- Website :
- Created : Oct 2019
- License : MIT License