
Enable you to convert your favorite NetEase Cloud music playlist to Spotify

Primary LanguagePython


This tiny program enables you to download your favorite NetEase Cloud music playlists and export them to sportify.


Alex Liu

Originally From



To achieve this goal, following the steps as follow:

  1. Go get the id of your 163 playlist. to get it open the page of the playlist in a browser then copy the numbers behind "music.163.com/#/playlist?id=" in address bar. This should be 9 digits without any other characters.

  2. Download the python script to your computer.

  3. Make sure you have Python3 installed, which can be found/downloaded here

  4. Install the library urllib3. Normally you can do either one of the following:

pip install urllib3
# Or
python3 -m pip install urllib3
  1. Open the file python3.py. Put Your playlist ID and replace the original playlist id there.
#Replace 120932413 with your own playlist id.
playlistId = 120932413 #### Put Your 9 digits playlist id here
#Don't delete the "playlistId = " part
  1. Run:
python3 python3.py
  1. Open the .txt file named with "YourPlayListName.txt".

  2. Copy what's in the text file and open this site. Paste the list and let it create sportify playlist for you

Note: the API 163 provided only enable me to retrive 1000 songs in your playlist.


本程序将网易云歌单导出到Sportify. (重申,将网易云的歌单导入到Sportify,不是从Sportify到网易云)


Alex Liu

Originally From




  1. 打开网易云歌单.从地址栏"music.163.com/#/playlist?id=" 复制你的网易云歌单ID。这个ID应该是9位数(没有任何其他字符)。

  2. 下载Python3.py

  3. 下载最新的Python3. 官网下载

  4. 安装 urllib3. 以下两个命令二选一:

pip install urllib3
# Or
python3 -m pip install urllib3
  1. 打开 python3.py. 把你的歌单ID替换120932413这一串数字.不要删掉前面的"playlistId = "。保存退出
#Replace 120932413 with your own playlist id.
playlistId = 120932413 #### Put Your 9 digits playlist id here
#Don't delete the "playlistId = " part
  1. 执行以下命令:
python3 python3.py
  1. 打开当前目录下的 "你的歌单名.txt". (比如:XXX的歌单.txt)

  2. 复制txt内容, 打开 this site. 粘贴然后生产sportify歌单。

  3. 大概能有7成多的成功率(取决于歌曲类型)。

Note: the API 163 provided only enable me to retrive 1000 songs in your playlist.

Last Update Jan. 23 2018