Binary Optical Neural Network Simulator

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

B_ONN_SIM (BINARY Optical Neural Network Simulator)

This is a transaction-level, event-driven python-based simulator for evaluation of Binary optical neural network accelerators for various Binary Neural Network models.

ArXiv Preprint


Installation and Execution

git clone https://github.com/Sairam954/B_ONN_SIM.git
python main.py


Please cite us if you use B_ONN_SIM

  author={Vatsavai, Sairam Sri and Sai Praneeth Karempudi, Venkata and Thakkar, Ishan},
  booktitle={2023 24th International Symposium on Quality Electronic Design (ISQED)}, 
  title={An Optical XNOR-Bitcount Based Accelerator for Efficient Inference of Binary Neural Networks}, 

Video Tutorial


Accelerator Configuration

The accelerator configuration can be provided in main.py file. The configuration dictionary looks like below:

    ELEMENT_SIZE: 19, # The supported dot product size of the processing unit, generally equal to number of wavelengths multiplexed in weight bank/activation bank 
    ELEMENT_COUNT: 19, # Number of parallel dot products that can be performed by one processing unit, generally equal to the number of output waveguides in a processing unit  
    UNITS_COUNT: 224, # Number of processing unit present in an accelerator
    RECONFIG: [], # Useful if the processing unit element size can be reconfigured according to the convolution computation need
    VDP_TYPE: "AMM", # More information abour vector dot product can be found in our paper ([https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/abstract/document/9852767]
    NAME: "OXBNN_50", # Name of the accelerator 
    ACC_TYPE: "ONNA", # Accelerator Type for example, ANALOG, ONNA, LIGHTBULB, and ROBIN. This parameter helps in evaluation of performance metrics based on accelerator
    PRECISION: 1, # The bit precision supported  by the accelerator, this value along with ***accelerator_required_precision*** determines whether bit-slicing needs to be implemented
    BITRATE: 50, # The bit rate of the accelerator 

Optical XNOR-Bitcount Based Accelerator

The below image shows OXBNN accelerator processing unit. image

Binary_ONN_Simulator Project Structure

│   constants.py
│   main.py - *Runs the simulator and allows users to change the inputs according to the accelerator* 
│   README.md
│   requirements.txt
│   visualization.py - *Plots the performance metrics like FPS, FPS/W etc of various accelerators on single barplot and also provides information of the best performing accelerator* 
│   __init__.py
| *Script to generate model files ->(https://github.com/Sairam954/CNN_Model_Layer_Information_Generator)*
├───CNNModels - *Folder contains various CNN models available for performing simulations. 
│   │   DenseNet121.csv
│   │   GoogLeNet.csv
│   │   Inception_V3.csv
│   │   MobileNet_V2.csv
│   │   ResNet18.csv
│   │   ResNet50.csv
│   │   ShuffleNet_V2.csv
│   │   VGG-small.csv
│   │   VGG16.csv
│   │   VGG19.csv
│   │
│   └───Sample
│           ResNet50.csv
├───Controller - *This contains the logic for scheduling the convolutions and corresponding dot product operations on to the accelerator hardware*
│   │   controller.py
│   │   __init__.py
│   │
│   └───__pycache__
│           controller.cpython-310.pyc
│           controller.cpython-38.pyc
│           __init__.cpython-310.pyc
│           __init__.cpython-38.pyc
├───Exceptions - *Accelerator Custom Exceptions*
│   │   AcceleratorExceptions.py
│   │
│   └───__pycache__
│           AcceleratorExceptions.cpython-310.pyc
│           AcceleratorExceptions.cpython-38.pyc
├───Hardware - *Different classes corresponding to the accelerator*
│   │   Accelerator.py
│   │   Accumulator_TIA.py
│   │   Activation.py
│   │   ADC.py
│   │   Adder.py
│   │   BtoS.py
│   │   bus.py
│   │   DAC.py
│   │   eDram.py
│   │   io_interface.py
│   │   LightBulbVDP.py
│   │   MRR.py
│   │   MRRVDP.py
│   │   PD.py
│   │   Pheripheral.py
│   │   Pool.py
│   │   RobinVDP.py
│   │   router.py
│   │   Serializer.py
│   │   stochastic_MRRVDP.py
│   │   TIA.py
│   │   VCSEL.py
│   │   VDP.py
│   │   vdpelement.py
│   │   __init__.py  
│   │   metrics.py - *Class to calculate various peformance metrics like FPS, FPS/W and FPS/W/mm2*
├───Plots - *Folder containing the plots produced by visualization.py*
│   ├───ISQED
│   │       FPS_(Log_Scale).png
│   │
│   └───Sample
│   └───ISQED - *Simulation Result of various Binary Neural Network Accelerator*
│           LIGHTBULB_All.csv
│           OXBNN_50_ALL.csv
│           OXBNN_5_ALL.csv
│           ROBIN_EO_All.csv
│           ROBIN_PO_All.csv
│           Vis_Test.csv

Simulation Result CSV:

After the simulations are completed, the results are stored in the form of a csv file containing information as shown below :


The performance metrics are calculated by using PeformanceMetrics/metrics.py, currently it provides the above values. Users can change the file to reflect their accelerator components energy and power parameters.

Evaluation Visualization:

The visualization.py can take the generated simulation csv and plot barplot for the results. It also prints useful information in the console about the top two accelerators. image

Simulation Results Analysis:

The accelerator OXBNN_50 achieves 4.158922762163461x times better fps than LIGHTBULB
The accelerator OXBNN_50 achieves 8.384277528829282x times better fps than ROBIN_PO
The accelerator OXBNN_50 achieves 2.547075858401049x times better fps than OXBNN_5
The accelerator OXBNN_50 achieves 1.0x times better fps than OXBNN_50
Details of second best accelerator
The accelerator OXBNN_5 achieves 1.632822496607645x times better fps than LIGHTBULB
The accelerator OXBNN_5 achieves 3.29172666812232x times better fps than ROBIN_PO
The accelerator OXBNN_5 achieves 1.0x times better fps than OXBNN_5