When Roblox starts to remove guest mode, most of their community and developers has
been frustrating. Most "Play as a Guest" apps/exploits at that time has terrible UI
and were very suspicious, GuestPlay had all the advantages of competitors and
developer support for free.
After a (relatively) long time, Roblox has fixed their auth system and the Guests
are officially dead, now GuestPlay has changed forever and this is not that
extension what developers imagined before.
Thank you for supporting us by using GuestPlay, but sometimes you just have to let
it go, keep *Powering Imagination* (TM).
~ Alexander Ivanov and Evgenya Gorshkova - GuestPlay developers
- (Un)official announcement about GuestPlay's future: 31.12.2018 (https://youtu.be/ohKZRQxPDyI?t=946)
- Official announcement about EOL: 19.02.2019
(And repo deprecation, because @45Green#5469 didn't make a commit about that) - GuestPlay Service shutdown (pre-EOL): 12.04.2019
- GuestPlay removal from Chrome Web Store: 13.04.2019
- Clone this repo / Download ZIP
- Go to
- Click the LOAD UNPACKED button and select the folder
- ???
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