Emoji Classification


◻️ Use pre-trained word vectors with glove-6B

◻️ Use this Dateset for train model

How to install

pip insatll -r requirements.txt

How to run

python class_emoji_text_classification.py --vector_shape dimention --features_path features_path --infrence sentence


◻️Result with Dropout

Features Vector Dimensions Train Loss Train Accuracy Test Loss Test Accuracy Inference Time
50d 0.7244 77.27% 0.7332 75.57% 0.068s
100d 0.6523 78.79% 0.6593 79.59% 0.0705s
200d 0.3144 94.7% 0.5209 83.67% 0.076s
300d 0.2055 97.73% 0.4601 89.8% 0.0861s

◻️Result without Dropout

Features Vector Dimensions Train Loss Train Accuracy Test Loss Test Accuracy Inference Time
50d 0.6304 83.33% 0.7163 79.59% 0.0607s
100d 0.4839 90.91% 0.6053 85.71% 0.0633s
200d 0.2704 95.45% 0.5055 85.71% 0.0717s
300d 0.1807 99.24% 0.4456 87.76% 0.082s