Ecommerce Project

This is an ecommerce project developed using #laravel #vuejs #vuex #livewire. This project allows customers to browse and purchase products from the online store, and allows the administrator to manage products, categories, orders, accounts and all others necessary actions.

Getting Started

Tech Stack

  1. PHP ^7.00
  2. mySQL
  3. Laravel 8
  4. Composer
  5. Node JS
  6. Vue
  7. Vuex


  1. clone project
    git clone -b main

  2. install php dependancies
    composer install

  3. install js depedancies
    npm install

  4. run project on port:8000
    php artisan serve

  5. run project on custom port
    php artisan serve --port=8002

  6. start frontend devevelopment
    npm run dev

  7. start frontend production
    npm run prod

  8. start frontend watch mode
    npm run watch



Customer-Facing Store

  • Browse products by category or search for specific products.
  • View product details, including images, description, price, and availability.
  • Add products to cart and checkout to complete purchase.
  • View order history and track the status of current orders.

Administrator Dashboard

  • Add, edit, and delete products and categories.
  • View and manage orders.
  • View and manage customers.


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Muhammad Shefat Ullah Masum
Software Engineer ( Tech Park IT )

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Muhammad Shefat Ullah Masum
Software Engineer ( Tech Park IT )