- Spring Starter
- MVC Pattern
- Freemarker Template
- Data JPA Access Layer
- h2 in memory database
- Custom Queries
The Simple Todo List Application is a Java Spring Boot project that provides a user-friendly and intuitive interface for managing tasks. The application is built using Spring MVC and utilizes Freemarker templates for the view layer. It also uses JPA data repository and h2 in-memory database for data storage and management.
The main purpose of the application is to help users stay organized by allowing them to create, read, and delete tasks from their lists. The application provides an easy-to-use interface for adding tasks, specifying due dates, and setting priorities. Users can also mark tasks as completed or delete them entirely.
The application has been designed with simplicity and ease-of-use in mind. The user interface is clean and intuitive, making it easy for users to manage their tasks without feeling overwhelmed or confused. The application also includes features such as sorting, making it easy to find specific tasks within the list.
The Simple Todo List Application is a great example of how to build a powerful web application using Java Spring Boot. It is well-suited for developers who want to learn about Spring MVC, Freemarker templates, JPA data repository, and h2 in-memory database. With its clean design and intuitive interface, this application is perfect for anyone who wants to stay organized and manage their tasks effectively.